All PALPA Members,
السلام عليكم
Imposition of latest tax slab has gross devastating effect on the financial health of our pilots. We have been communicated with the dire financial situation of our membership and its subsequent influence on flight safety.
The PALPA Executive Committee, in consultation with Flight Operations Management, is exploring all possible avenues to offset the effects of the current tax regime. However, taking cognisance of the current situation, it is imperative for all pilots to understand and properly mitigate the effects of increased fatigue.
In view of above, all cockpit crew is advised to follow the provisions of PCAA ANO and OM on FDTLs in true letter and spirit, as these regulations are provided to ensure safer cockpit by mitigating the hazard of induced fatigue.
Just to remind the membership at large that “IGNORANCE OF LAW IS NO EXCUSE”.
Wishing you all safe and happy landings,
With Best Regards,
Executive Committee