Dear Members,
PALPA Executive Committee has been observing the recent developments and is fully aware of the deteriorating working conditions despite the fact that our membership has been doing their assigned duties with professional zeal and zest. PALPA has highlighted these excesses through communiques to the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Members of Board of Directors PIACL and CEO.
Recent episode of dishonour meted out to Capt. Adnan Zoraiz for standing up to demand his rightful and promised dues is a new low, in the recent history of incompetence and perjury. The attack on to his personal life and total disregard to written promises is something we have been through quite often, though, it only explicitly shows the upbringing and evil mindset of MASTERMINDS. However, this unfortunate event has taught us a lesson either to stand up for our rights, honour and pride or be a victim of high handedness. We are sure to choose the first option over any intimidation or vindictive course.
As we all are aware of the fact that despite all out efforts and sinister designs to malign and drag pilots in to the “fake licenses fiasco”, our membership has largely come out of the mess with collective wisdom and combined efforts. We stand shoulder to shoulder with all our remaining members until their innocence is proved. The propaganda spree unleashed in media to dishonour our noble profession has been defeated, ALHAMDULILLAH. However, we shall press the defamation charges against the culprits in the Court of Law to bring an end to this evil mindset and expose the corrupt elements.
It is alarming that PCAA ANOs are regularly overlooked and the crew is being planned for illegal duties despite clearly worded regulations. These irregularities are a true case of a recipe for disaster, as crew is being pushed beyond the proven human limits. This compromise on safety is being highlighted at all appropriate forums. In addition, PCAA has been approached for playing its role as the regulator to safeguard the crew against these excesses.
We are also well aware of the downgrading of cockpit crew medical facilities. The retired members, parents and families of active pilots have virtually been denied medical facilities. The hospitals on the panel of PIA have been downgraded and the remaining hospitals routinely deny the treatment on the pretext of nonpayment by PIA.
Pension issue is still pending and PIACL is unmoved to pay our due share as pension. The case is being handled by our lawyers and a few dedicated retired members. We are sure to get some good news on this long standing issue soon.
Our members and Executive Committee are facing illegitimate and vindictive administrative actions whereby the salaries have been stopped without any legal coverage. PALPA Vice President and General Secretary are grounded and being penalised for raising their voices for the safety of crew. Whereas, Joint Secretary-1 has also been show caused for trivial reasons.
Despite clear orders by the Prime Minister of Pakistan, especially during COVID, and the injunction of the Honourable High Court of Sindh, our salaries are being illegally deducted in contempt of Court orders. The matter is subjudice and our lawyer is confident to get relief from the court of law against the illegal deductions.
Also in clear violation to the directions of government, our salaries were illegally deducted during COVID. The case to undo this unjustified act is being heard by the courts.
We as a community are also witness to down slide of our airline in recent times despite zero interference by PALPA and other Unions, hence culminating the argument that Associations and unions have been responsible for all the ills in the airline. There remains no doubt that only professionals and merit based appointees can efficiently run the airline. We are confident and hopeful that the Government will soon realise and bring in appropriate changes in the management to arrest the unprecedented losses made by the airline due incompetence and inefficiency.
PALPA Executive Committee is fully aware of the stress our membership is going through and understand the dire consequences of this hazard. We are leaving no stone unturned to improve upon the working conditions and hazardous environments that may lead to any catastrophic situation, if in time lesson is not learnt and corrected by those at the helm.
We advise all pilots to ensure safe practices and strictly abide by the company and state regulations for your own safety and the safety of passengers. Any lapse on safety in lieu of any favour must be avoided. Any coercive measures must be reported to PCAA under intimation to PALPA.
In the end, we assure our membership that Executive Committee shall not compromise on the safety and rights of our members and shall go to any limit to preserve the honour, dignity and pride of our community and profession. We also feel that time has come to expose the evil mindset through all legal means and stand up for our rights, dignity and pride. Rest assured that we shall go down in the books of history for choosing the righteous path as a community of proud professional. We feel proud to have the full backing of our members for this noble cause.
With Best Regards,
Capt. Ch. Salman Riaz
View: INFO 24-3-2021