Dear Members
اَلسَلامُ عَلَيْكُم   

The year 2020 has so far been quite eventful, from the COVID-19 pandemic to the heartbreaking tragedy of PK 8303. Several PALPA members have also contracted COVID-19, we pray for their speedy recovery.

Continuing our first and foremost priority of safety for crew and passengers, it is of utmost importance that all PALPA members follow the current COVID SOPs, as set forth by PCAA, in letter and spirit. Please pay particular attention to the following:

  1. ADHERENCE TO SOPs. Pilots must not compromise on any requirement of the said SOPs. This includes, NOT operating any flight or undertaking any official duty, without proper provisioning of the COVID negative report by local health authorities. No verbal report should be accepted by any pilot. Doing so, puts not only the pilot but all other crew, passengers and the pilot’s own family members at risk of contracting COVID-19.
  2. PCAA ANO limits of FDTL. No flight must be operated beyond the limits of ANO. Any waiver on FDTL authorized by PCAA, must readily be available to crew before commencement of a flight. It is further clarified that implementation of Essential Services Act does not supersede or effect any PCAA ANOs in anyway. All ANOs must always be respected.

This INFO is in response to the complaints received from the membership to operate flights without following SOPs and PCAA ANO.

Additionally, as Karachi scheduling has been shifted from the Flight Operations Department and placed in unknown hands, all members are advised to maintain their personal flight records and ensure it is in compliance with the law. Any discrepancy should be immediately reported to PALPA.

Safety must take precedence over all other aspects of profession.

With Best Regards,

Capt. Narejo

View in PDF Version: Info3.5.2020