June 9, 2009

The PALPA Executive Committee and its members lost a senior member, CAPT. YOUSUF AYUB MAMSA, in the barbaric incident in Peshawar PC on 9th June
2009. He lost his life in line of duty.

سبحانه و تعالى‎ الله‎ has bestowed Capt. Mamsa with the highest level of martyrdom.

He was a respected member of the Association, a dedicated professional and a likeable colleague and friend.

Hadith from Mishkah Shareef quoted by Imam Malik says:

“Anyone who dies while carrying out his duty diligently and honestly is rewarded
appropriately by Allah”.

Let us all pray to Allah to shower His blessings on the departed soul and grant him the coveted status commensurate with that of a ‘SHAHEED’ and that the Almighty Allah bestows our colleague with the highest level in the Heavens. Ameen!